Coronavirus Update

Updated March 24, 2020

The State of New York has now 25,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with health officials expecting this number to double every three days for the next week. New York City remains on lock down with the eerie scene of empty Manhattan streets becoming common images on news programs and social media. In California, the Bay Area and the city of Los Angeles are preparing for a hospital bed shortage as cases spike, and the death tool rises. The 2020 Olympic Games in Japan have been postponed indefinitely, and India has ordered a 3 week shutdown for its 1 billion plus inhabitants. World leaders are now trying to understand the calculus between lost lives and potentially catastrophic economic damage, which urging lawmakers to pass bailout legislation. Meanwhile, millions of children are out out school indefinitely, and households become increasingly fearful that their old way of life is over for good, and the new normal is here to stay. Politically, Governors from states like Illinois, California and New York have taken the urgency of their message citizens, while the Trump administration tries to contain the political fallout from its mixed messaging.

Please visit the CDC for health tips and other important updates



As of today, March 11, 2020, the Coronavirus has infected more than 120,000people worldwide, in over 100 countries, including the United States. The CDC has reported over 4,700 deaths around the globe, including 50 in the US.

A nursing home facility in Kirkland, Washington has become the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak, and officials there are scrambling to contain the spread of the virus, as well as try and keep the public from panicking. Mixed messages from the Trump Administration has done little to mitigate the panic, which spilled over again onto wall Street with the Dow falling over 7.8% and the S&P 500 dropping 7.6%. The CDC is urging caution while trying to keep the public calm. Sporting events like the Paribas Open in Indian Wells, California are being cancelled, and health officials are encouraging the public to practice safe interactions like social distancing.

In addition, California Governor Gavin Newsom has allowed the Cruise Ship Grand Princess to dock in Oakland after waiting a week outside the Golden gate. There are 2,500 passengers on board,and over 2 dozen have tested positively for the virus, making Bay Area residents nervous. All of this against the backdrop of increased criticism over the Trump Administration's handing of the crisis, especially as it relates to clear and transparent messaging, and testing. To date, less than 4,000 US patients have received testing.

The Federal Government has created a new website, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of Allergy and infectious diseases has issue a sobering message to all Americans, as colleges and Universities shut down, and large group gatherings, including concerts and events, are either cancelled or postponed. The South by Southwest Music Festival in Austin has been cancelled, and Coachella in California has been postponed until October 2020.



Americans have been cleaning out shelves at their local supermarkets as retailers struggle to keep crucial supplies available, and are even issuing quota on how much of one item (ie, toilet paper) a single customer can buy. It appears that China's approach to containing the virus has worked, and while the economic cost has been great, time should allow economies to recover. Global equity markets continue to demonstrate very high volatility as uncertainty reigns.


The Facts About the Coronavirus

UPDATE Feb. 20, 2020

The Coronavirus has taken the lives of over 2,100 people worldwide, all but 11 of those deaths occurring in mainland China. The illness caused by the Coronavirus, COVID-19, has affected over 75,000 worldwide and new cases of the disease are announce every day. It is the growth rate of these new cases that health officials are watching closely. Quarantine efforts have had mixed results, with the recent emancipation of quarantined cruise boat passengers drawing scrutiny and criticism from health organizations around the world, and airlines are starting to take a more precautionary approach by canceling flights in an and out of China.

UPDATE Feb. 10, 2020

The Coronavirous has now claimed over 900 lives, surpassing the number of total fatalities from the SARS pandemic from 2002 - 2003. Chinese officials have scrambled to assemble a new hospital in Wuhan to house patients, though it is unclear how many beds are available for treatment as of today. In addition, a cruise ship moored off the coast of Japan is now in its 2nd week of quarantine where over 3,000 passengers and travelers are stuck. Over 100 sick passengers who tested positive for the virus have been removed from the ship over the past week. The original time frame for the quarantine was initially set for 2 weeks, though there is no current plan on releasing the ship as the Coronavirus continues to spread in China and elsewhere.

UPDATE Jan. 29, 2020

The Coronavirus is spreading across China, Europe and the United States. Several cities in China including Wuhan where the health crisis originated. In addtion, a plane carrying over 200 American landed in Southern California after evacuating them from Wuhan. The CDC says the risk of the virus spreading between people in the US remains low

UPDATE Jan. 22, 2020

the death toll in China has risen to 17, with over 500 confirmed cases in China. Five additional Chinese Provinces are reporting additional cases. All flights in and out of Wuhan have been cancelled. The first case in the US has been confirmed

In the past week, the general public has become aware of a growing health concern from Asia, specifically China, where six people have died and over 300 cases have been confirmed. Here is what you need to know about the Coronavirus now:

What is the Coronavirus?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the novel (for new) Coronavirus outbreak began in Wuhan City, in Hubei Province in China. The symptoms include upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold. These illnesses usually only last for a short period of time, and symptoms may include runny nose, headache, cough, sore throat, fever and a general feeling of malaise. Human coronaviruses can also sometimes cause lower-respiratory tract illnesses, such as bronchitis and/or pneumonia.

What are the Risks?

Any time an outbreak of a highly contagious virus such as the coronavirus occurs, is becomes an immediate public health concern. The risk from these outbreaks depends a number of factors, including characteristics of the virus, and the speed with which it spreads between humans, the severity of the the symptoms, and the ability to control the impact of the virus.

At the moment, the primary risks appear to be limited to China, Thailand, Japan and South Korea, and the immediate health risk to United States residents is deemed to be low at this time. Nevertheless, CDC is taking closely monitoring the development.

If you have further questions or concerns you should consult your healthcare professional.

Is The H1N1 Pandemic Over?

Last year’s H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu, triggered the first flu pandemic in decades. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were more than 60 million cases of H1N1, more than 274,000 hospitalizations and approximately 12,500 deaths. Learn what to expect from H1N1 in the coming year, so you and your family can stay healthy during cold and flu season.

H1N1: What to Expect in 2010-11
In August, the World Health Organization declared the H1N1 pandemic over. Out-of-season outbreaks have waned, H1N1 is no longer the dominant influenza virus, and much of the population has either been vaccinated or exposed to the virus. “At this time, we do not see any evidence of another pandemic on the horizon,” says Jeffrey Dimond, a spokesman for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

While this is good news, it doesn’t mean you can abandon your efforts to keep yourself and your family safe from swine flu. “The H1N1 virus is still circulating,” explains Dimond. “Like other seasonal flu strains, it will probably begin circulating more aggressively as we get into flu season this fall.”

Vaccination Update
The No. 1 way to protect yourself and your loved ones from H1N1 is to get vaccinated. This year, there are some important changes to the vaccination process:

  • Just one vaccine. Do you remember getting two shots last year? There were two different influenza vaccines -- one for seasonal flu and one for swine flu. That’s because H1N1 wasn’t identified until after manufacturers had already started to produce the seasonal flu vaccine. “This year, one influenza vaccine that also incorporates H1N1 will be available,” says Dr. Peter Katona, associate clinical professor of medicine in the department of infectious diseases at the University of California, Los Angeles, Health System.
  • Increased distribution. In February, a panel of immunization experts voted to expand the influenza vaccine recommendation to include everyone 6 months and older. In past years, it focused on children, the elderly and those in close contact with people at higher risk.

The hope is that these changes will make the 2010-11 flu season less dangerous. One thing that hasn’t changed is when and where to get your vaccine. Check with your doctor, neighborhood clinic or local pharmacy; yearly flu vaccination should begin in September or as soon as it’s available. Too often people make the mistake of waiting until coworkers and friends are sniffling and sneezing, but it’s best to get vaccinated before flu season peaks to stop the spread of germs. Not sure where to get vaccinated? Visit the CDC’s Flu Vaccine Finder at

Keep Your Guard Up
A flu shot isn’t license to slack off on other stay-healthy strategies. “The flu is unpredictable, so we just don’t know at this time to what extent any rebound of H1N1 flu might occur,” says Dimond. That’s why it’s crucial to follow this flu-fighting checklist to stay well and keep your family germ-free.

  • Wash up. Hygiene is key to stopping the spread of H1N1. “Wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 30 seconds, and use alcohol-based hand sanitizers when soap and water are not available,” says Dimond. 
  • Cover your coughs. Sneeze and cough into the crook of your elbow, not your hand, if you don’t have a tissue. When you sneeze, thousands of infectious droplets go flying. If they land on your hands, you spread the germs to anything you touch, where they can remain contagious for several hours.
  • Take a sick day. Feeling under the weather? Don’t go into the office, and don’t send your little one to school when she’s ill. “You may think you’re impressing coworkers with your dedication, but you’re not doing anyone any favors by spreading germs around the office,” says Dimond.
  • Bolster your immune system. “Eat a healthy diet, engage in regular exercise and practice stress-reduction techniques,” says Katona. Stock up on antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, take a brisk walk most days, and engage in some soothing me-time (try practicing yoga or meditation or taking a long, hot bath).